Crossing Your Jordan – Part 3 – Walking by Faith
As we have seen in the Book of Joshua chapter 1 and 3 already, the Children of Israel have come to an impossible barrier once again. The same barrier they faced 40 years previous and refused to trust God to cross. We have already seen in the first two sermons in this series that the people had to face their "Jordan" and decide to cross it while believing that God, their Yahweh Elohim, had something better for them on the other side. They had to be willing to "consecrate themselves" to God in order for Him to be able to make a way where there was no way. In this sermon, from Joshua 3 and 4, we complete the story by watching God's people crossing their Jordan and what we can find for us today, as we face our personal Jordan, is truth and hope. The message begins with a audio clip which is the trailer for the Christian movie, "Breakthrough", which tells the true story of a family and community caught in a miracle situation where they walked in faith and God brought them through their Jordan.
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