Our Ministries | Wellspring Community Church
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Our Ministries

Small Group Ministries

At WellSpring, we believe that community is an essential part of church. You’re invited to join small groups run by our community members. These events may involve Bible studies, learning together, becoming friends, going out to eat, and more. The times and dates for these events vary, so please check out our Event Calendar to see the currently available groups.

Charlton Place Ministry

God blessed us with neighbors here at 198 Grand Park Drive—our friends at Charlton Place Nursing Home (65 Charlton Place, Deatsville, AL 36022) who are always jubilant to hear the good news of what Christ is doing. The love of God is for the old, the young, and everyone in between. Come join us as we sing with and minister to our kind elders at Charlton Place.

Discipleship Classes

Rev. Dr. Michael Beale is passionate about training other church members in how to be effective leaders for their church community and in their own lives. This is accomplished through discipleship classes; namely, WellSpring 101, 201, and 301. The opportunity to take these classes is open to any frequent church member.

Children’s Ministry

It’s important for a body of believers to provide for their children. Every Sunday, during the 10:30 service, Sunday school classes are available to children at WellSpring. The classes involve both basic and in-depth Bible instruction, storytelling, crafts, and more. It’s the perfect opportunity for the children to grow not only closer together, but closer to God.

Youth Ministry

As children grow into adolescence, so, too, do their questions. Wellspring’s youth ministry, run presently by Anna Caroline Beale, aims to help answer those questions in a community rife with friendliness and worship. Any youth are invited to participate most Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Please stay in touch in the event of a cancelled meeting.


We believe that God calls us to give to the less fortunate, not only monetarily but through service and kindness as well. WellSpring is proud to be allied with several missions organizations, including Habitat for Humanity, Adullam House, and more. We are committed to giving ten percent of our income to these missions in order to aid their efforts to better the world for everyone.

Worship Team

Worship is an integral part of any church meeting, we believe, and we also believe that worship is best accompanied by music. Danna Beale is our volunteer pianist, using her talents to lead the community in contemporary and classic worship songs each Sunday. She is accompanied by several community members who have offered their abilities for God’s glory. Come make a joyful noise with us this Sunday!

Prayer Teams

At WellSpring, we recognize the foundational truth that nothings happens except through prayer! Therefore, we have placed a high value on building teams of prayer warriors who can support the work that God is doing in us and through us.