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Rev. Dr. Michael Beale

Rev. Dr. Michael Beale


After over 30 years of ministry, I am excited to be able to work with the children and families of Oasis K. As Headmaster, I will be working closely with Danna Beale to provide support for the Oasis K ministry by providing chapel daily with the children, administrative activities, and discipline with the children as needed.

Kindergarten children are at vital time in there physical, emotional, and spiritual development that requires a tender care with personal attention to guide them to become the best person they can be. At chapel we will have a few minutes to start the day with music, a daily scripture story, and our scripture memorization activities for the week. This gives me an opportunity to play my guitar and teach the kids some of the classic songs of the faith.  So, when we start the day with Scripture and praise, our day begins with both fun and faithfulness to God.

I will be developing a personal relationship with each child and family during our school year together.  As a pastor for over 30 years, I understand many of the struggles that families go through and I have a heart for helping people get closer to Christ and establishing stronger families through Christ. So, if discipline issues arise, we will be able to work through them for the best of the children while respecting the requirement for order in Oasis K.