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Risen – Part 2 – Testing the Theories – Bonus – Praise Team Music

Sermon Resources

Risen – Part 2 – Testing the Theories
  When we come to the Resurrection event, we will be dealing with many doubters both inside the church and outside in the world.  These doubtes will have to walk through the door of doubt if they are going to come to true faith!  There are many questions that people who look at the resurrection of Christ from an outside point of view can ask, but in this message we look at two of the foundational questions that we will need to answer for ourselves and for others: 1) What if the resurrection never happened? (What does it matter?), and 2) What are the theories about what happened to the body?
  For the unbeliever, this door of doubt leads them to truth.  For the believer, the door of doubt leads to faith and confidence in their witness for Christ.  It is time for all people, wherever you are in the doubt spectrum, to test the theories and decide what you believe so you can have faith in the Risen Savior!
BONUS – If you are interested, I have included two songs from our praise team led by Micah Williams for your time to worship and contemplation. 

Risen: Uncover the Mystery
March 6 – 27th 10:30 a.m.
  Everybody comes to Easter with doubt.  The resurrection is a historical event that forces each of us to consider the most important question in human history, “What do you do with the Risen Jesus?”  In this series, we will be dealing with doubters as we look at the resurrection event from the point of view of the unbelieving world. We will test the theories, face the facts, and recognize the risen Lord.