Carpe Diem – Part 1 – This Day! – Bonus – Special music | Wellspring Community Church
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Carpe Diem – Part 1 – This Day! – Bonus – Special music

Sermon Resources

  The first part of the Biblical equation of Carpe Diem is the human side.
  In I Sam. 13 and 14, we notice Jonathan taking the risk of faith to follow the vision that God has placed upon his heart.  This is a huge risk that makes very little sense in the human realm, but it challenges us as we face situations and obstacles that are impossible in our lives. 
Bonus – “Uprising” – written by Jacob Mainor and Jerrod Dorminey
Sung today by Jacob and Elizabeth Mainor
Bonus – Pastor Joshua Tatum sharing his testimony of how God redeemed his life and how the miracle of God is working to redeem his mother and father after years of being away from God.

Carpe Diem: Seize the Day by Faith!
  Now that we have moved through the Easter season and reaffirmed our faith in a Risen Lord, Jesus Christ, we have to ask ourselves, “What do we do now?”  The answer is to act on what you beleive!  In this short series, we will look at a man named Jonathan who practiced Carpe Diem! as he approached an impossible situation and then God showed up!  Was God waiting on Jonathan?  Is there a sense that faith places people in a position to see the hand of God at work? YES