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I Got Your Back – Jacob Mainor
I Got Your Back by Jacob Mainor
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I Got Your Back (Gal. 6:2)
by Jacob Mainor
Jacob speaks about our responsibilities as Christians in the local church as we work together to carry out the mission of Jesus Christ centered around three Biblical events: 1) Aaron and Hur working with Moses, 2) The armor bearer of Jonathan, and 3) Simon of Cyrene working with Christ.
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- An Easter Epiphany
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- See, I am doing a NEW thing!
- The ADVENTure: The Road Less Traveled
- Courageous!
- Advancing Through Adversity
- Radical Simplicity
- Maranatha: Jesus Is Coming!
- I've Got Your Back
- Taming the Tongue
- The Church That Makes It Happen!
- Carpe Diem: Seizing the Day by Faith!
- Risen: Uncovering the Mystery
- Parenting on Purpose
- Making the Most of Every Opportunity (Eph. 3:16a)
- Radical Christmas
- Psalms of Praise: Proclaiming Glory to God
- Nehemiah: A Call to Action!
- Acts of the Holy Spirit Bible Study
- The Book of Revelation Bible Study
- 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting
- Be Anxious For Nothing!
- Breakthrough!
- The Church that Builds on the Sand
- Simon Cephas Petros - Fisherman . Disciple . Apostle
- We Walk by Faith Not By Sight
- Easter Series - Empty Promises
- Breakthrough Prayer
- Loving people Even When They Are Weird
- Church Unity
- The Hope - Christmas According to Isaiah
- The Power of Praise
- Missio Dei - The Mission of God
- Stewardship of Life
- The Seven Churches in Revelation
- Consider the Source
- Come and See
- Refuel
- Hear, Speak, Do - Sermons from Jeremiah
- The Art of Marriage
- Stephen - Following In The Footsteps of Christ
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