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Fight the Good Fight of Faith – Part 1 – “Flee these things…”
The Apostle Paul challenges Timothy to continue to grow closer and stronger in the faith.  In order to understand what it means to “fight the good fight” we have to look at the local context of verse 11.  From there we see the first step is to “flee” those things that can hold us back in our pursuit of a warrior walk with God.  In this sermon, we look at the local context of Chapter six of first Timothy and see the three things that Paul encouraged Timothy to flee before he can pursue the deeper walk with God.  Come join us as we are challenging ourselves to flee. 


It’s time to fight!  We can’t arrive at faith in Jesus Christ and be satisfied – there is MORE, much MORE!  The Apostle Paul, a veteran minister and man of spiritual maturity, challenges his young preacher protege to “Fight the Good Fight of Faith” and he lists in the verses surrounding this passage HOW to do this.  In this series, we will investigate the powerful words that surround this challenge from Paul as we are awakened to our goal to “Fight the Good Fight of Faith”.