Nehemiah: A Call to Action – Part 3 – Taking Responsibility with music | Wellspring Community Church
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Nehemiah: A Call to Action – Part 3 – Taking Responsibility with music

Sermon Resources

Nehemiah has received a passion for the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and the restoration of the nation of Israel as a whole.  He has faced many obstacles, both within and without, to make the long journey and survey the situation and now it is time to share the vision of God and call the people to take responsibility for their future and the work of God in the world.   Join us as we see Nehemiah’s instructions to help the people understand the problem and see the solution while gasping the “why” and the “why now” of the circumstance.  The people respond as the opposition increases until they arrive at the victory.  We will be sharing some of our own strugles as a church and I will be calling on the people of this fellowship to rise up and build God’s kingdom here.
We have added a music clip from our worship team to the end of the sermon if you are interested in being blesed by their offering.

Nehemiah: A Call to Action

 In this study of Nehemiah we see the movement from Passion to Obstacles to Responsiblity to Revival!